Friday 1 November 2013

Downloading And Installing Matlab

Downloading and installing MATLAB
After requesting a login, an email response will include information about making an account on the web site, and accessing the MATLAB download site. Once you access that site, follow a typical download/install process. In case any steps are non-intuitive, the illustrated steps below may help.(or see Install Guides from the MathWorks site

The latest version of MATLAB is 2013b, which became available for downloading on 11 Sept 2013.
Images below are taken from a previous version.
Following instructions, log on to the MathWorks accounts site (if this is your first time, you need to create an account first). Click "Download now".

Click On Download Link...

Indicate the appropriate version and platform, then Continue.

First to be downloaded is a small Java download agent, which will in turn help download a huge directory full of installation materials.

Indicate some new temporary folder on your computer's Desktop. It will be filled with almost 1.7GB of files used for installation of the software, but when the installation is complete, the entire folder can be deleted, and the 1.7GB of disk space recouped. So, take note of where the temporary download directory is.

Confirm that the listed stuff is what you want, and click Download.

At this point, your computer will ask permission to let MATLAB be installed after downloading. Assuming that you have admin rights on your computer account, give its password. (This is the name/password for the computer, not for the MathWorks account!)

Depending on the speed of your internet connection, downloading 1.7GB of stuff can take from 5 to 105 minutes. The download agent will display a progress bar.Once again, verify that you want to install the software. Continue...

Normally, MATLAB will be installed in C:\Program Files (Windows) or /Applications (Mac) or /usr/local (Unix). Continue.
If license 361635 appears and is highlighted, continue. 

Then Activate.
(Why is nonactivation an option??)

Yes, yes, Activate. 

Finish activation. Start MATLAB.

Once you have confirmed that MATLAB is up and running, then you can delete that huge folder (specified to the Download Agent as shown in #5 above). That folder shouldn't be needed any more. The actual MATLAB program is safely installed someplace else (as specified earlier, image #10 above).

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